The value of your pension account when you retire will depend on how much you have contributed and how your money has been invested, so choosing the right investment fund is very important. Which fund or funds are right for you will depend on a number of factors, particularly when you want to retire and how you wish to take your savings at retirement and potentially during your retirement.
The Trustee has appointed BlackRock and Legal & General as the Scheme’s investment managers.
Lifestyle Investment Options
There are two lifestyle funds which adopt an approach which manages the investment of your pension account throughout your working life by aiming to invest in the appropriate type of funds between now and retirement, depending on how you wish to take your savings at retirement.
The lifestyle funds are suitable for people who are uncomfortable managing their own investments, or simply don’t have the time. The two lifestyle options that are available to everyone are:
Cash at Retirement Lifestyle Option – aimed at individuals who wish to take their pension account as cash from the Scheme at retirement. This is the default investment option for the Scheme, and is the option that your pension account will be invested in if you do not actively make a choice between the two options.
Income at Retirement Lifestyle Option – aimed at individuals who wish to buy an annuity (a secure income for life) and take a cash lump sum from the Scheme at retirement.
The two Lifestyle Options are identical until nine years from retirement. From then, these options each target a specific way how you take your pension savings at retirement but you will still be able to take your savings in a number of different ways. You should check if the target of the lifestyle options best meets your needs.
Both Lifestyle Options assume you plan to retire at age 65. Unless you have advised Capita of a different retirement date (your ‘target retirement date’), if you retire earlier than age 65 this may result in your pension fund being invested in higher risk funds rather than lower risk funds at retirement. It is your responsibility to tell Capita if your intended retirement age differs from age 65. You can do this via your online pensions account.
Please click here for more information on the Lifestyle options. If you do not make an investment choice, the Cash at Retirement Lifestyle option will automatically be applied to the investment of your contributions.
Switching Investments
You will also be able to switch your investments. You can do this via your online pension account.
Self-Select Option (only available to members of the Pension Builder Plan). A range of funds has been made available if you wish to manage the investment of your pension account. Please click here for more information.
Need help?
For individual factsheets on the self-select range of funds please contact our Pensions Administrators, Capita, on 0345 122 2032 or you can access them via your online pensions account.
Please note that the Trustee cannot accept any responsibility for the choice of investment funds you make. You should think carefully about the investment choices that you are making. You should be aware that the value of your investment is not guaranteed and may go down as well as go up.
If you need to speak to someone regarding your investment options, then Independent financial advice may help you with these decisions. You can obtain a list of IFAs in your area from the website: You may be charged a fee for any advice you receive and the company does not cover the cost of this advice.